Innovative Challenge

Directorate for Entrepreneurship and General Studies
Innovation Challenge (IC)

DE&GS  through the IC aims to foster the emergence of high-quality, innovative student ideas that attempt to give solutions to society’s challenges.

General eligibility criteria and requirements

  1. This program is available to all enrolled students of NOUN and its Alumni
  2. Innovative ideas may, but are not required to, stem from students’ coursework.
  3. Individuals or groups of no more than 5-person propositions are encouraged.

The innovative idea should be geared toward tackling a specific societal issue. A concept is regarded as Innovative if it is new and has not been implemented previously to address the specified societal concern, and if it is an improvement on existing solutions that delivers a significant advantage to the intended audience or market, then it is considered novel.

Application and assessment process

  1. Call for Proposals
  2. Pre-select
  3. Pitching Sessions

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The call for proposals will go out at the end of February each year.


All interested students, groups of students, and Alumni wishing to enter their innovative idea/ business concept as part of the NOUN Innovation Challenge are required to pitch their innovative idea/business concept before a panel of experts.
Pitching sessions will be organized online. For a pitching session, check your email or the NOUN website for details.

Prepare a 5- to 7-minute PowerPoint presentation.
The pitching panel will score all pitches based on the following criteria:

1 Problem definition The extent to which the challenge is being resolved has been clearly identified and defined. 20%
2 Innovativeness of the proposed solution The extent to which the solution is new or is a significant improvement on an existing solution. 50%
3 Feasibility of the proposed solution The extent to which the proposed solution is feasible having regard to the technical aspects of the project, timelines, team, partnerships, financial resources, etc. 20%
4 The potential impact of the proposed solutions The extent to which the proposed solution will impact positively on the identified challenge. 10%

The best ideas/concepts will proceed to the next phase.

Second Phase Virtual Training:                                                                                            All students whose ideas/concepts have been selected will be required to attend virtual training for 5 days (10am – 12 noon) on Business Model Canvas.
In the end, students should submit an advanced draft of their proposal.

A maximum of 14 ideas/concepts will be shortlisted.
Students whose ideas/concepts have been shortlisted will be invited to present to panel of judges for a final assessment.


Applications will be assessed using the following criteria:

1 Problem definition The extent to which the applicant has a clear understanding of the challenge identified. 5%
2 Innovation The extent to which the proposed solution is innovative and differs from existing solutions. 35%
3 Capabilities The extent to which the team has the requisite expertise to develop and/or implement the proposed solution. In the case of an individual applicant, this refers to the extent to which the individual has the requisite expertise to develop and/or implement the proposed solution. 15%
4 Sustainability The extent to which the team has developed a sustainability plan for their proposed solution. 10%
5 Potential impact The potential impact the proposed solution would have if implemented. 10%
6 Feasibility The extent to which the proposed solution is feasible having regard for the technical aspects of the project, timelines, partnerships, financial resources, etc. 15%
7 Customer/user definition The extent to which the proposed solution is feasible having regard for the technical aspects of the project, timelines, partnerships, financial resources, etc. 15%
8 Quality of the Submission The coherence of the application/proposal, the clarity and coherence of the motivation for the identified challenge and the suggested solution, clear articulation of the advantages of the suggested solution vis-à-vis other available solutions, and a clearly motivated budget. 5%

The winners will be selected and announced during the awards ceremony.


  1. Access to grants and to loans top three participants.
  2. Access to grants worth three hundred thousand naira from Vice Chancellor
  3. The top three and 10 other innovative ideas will receive non-financial support:
  • Access to a dedicated mentor to assist with the development and implementation of the idea/concept.
  • Free training in Entrepreneurship Education Training course to a certificate
  • Access to incubation services.
  • Access to a commercialization specialist, IP specialist, and product design professional.
  • Assistance with marketing the idea/concept.
  • Opportunity to participate in national student exchange and Exhibition.


Quarterly reports must be submitted to DE&GS for a period of one year after the grant was

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