Some of the Landmark Achievements of the Directorate are as follows:
- Developed entrepreneurship education model that has gained attention for adoption/adaptation by other universities.
- Set up of seven Incubation Centres across the geopolitical zones of Nigeria.
- Successful deployment of in-person and virtual incubation system.
- Awards for NOUN Incubatees:
- Bosede Alabi received a start-up grant of one-million naira from Tony Elumelu Foundation in 2018.
- In 2019, Obinna F. Nwanuo received an award of proficiency in Digital Media and Entertainment at the Nile University Entrepreneurship Fair.
- Irozuru Basilia Ogechukwu won the third position in the 2021 National Enterprise Challenge with her creative and innovative product – Basmarc Organic Baby Cereal
- Adebowale Akinfaderin who was also an M.Sc. Student with ACETEL secured a Business Nursery package valued 5,000 Euros from KEDGE Business School in 2021 through the mentorship received in NOUN Southwest Incubation Centre.
5. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) Certification:
i. Certificated:
Name of Incubatee
Company Name
Product Name
Year of Registration
Blessing Ajayi
Kossime Concept, No 2, Glory Close, Adjacent Ojima Street , Juji, Sabon, Tasha, Kaduna, Kaduna State
Blessa Soap
ii. Awaiting Certification:
Irozuru Basilia Ogechukwu
Basmarc Logistics and Supply (ID No. 22746684-001)
Basmarc Organic Baby Cereal
6. Through the Directorate, the University is engaged by NIRSAL Micro Finance Bank as an Entrepreneurship Development Institute.