GST204: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2cr)


Development Entrepreneurship/Intrapreneurship: An Overview of the Definitions of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship; Concepts and Theories of Entrepreneurship
The Entrepreneurship Culture; Brief Biographical Studies of Prominent Nigerian Entrepreneurs; Barrier to Entrepreneurial Practice. The Nigerian Entrepreneurial Environment: The Business External Environment; Identifying Business Opportunities and Threats; Strategies for exploring opportunities in the Environment; Approaches to addressing environmental barriers. Creativity and Intellectual Rights: Intellectual Properties and its Dimensions; Copyright Laws in Nigeria; Strategies for Protection of Intellectual Property (original ideas, concepts, products, etc.). Technological Entrepreneurship: The Interface between Technology Development and Entrepreneurship; Technological Development and Entrepreneurial Opportunities; Technological Environment and Business; New Technology and Entrepreneurship Opportunities. Management and Innovation: The Concept, Nature and Types of Innovation; Innovation Theory of Entrepreneurship; Financing Innovation and New Ventures; Change Management; Technical Change and Management of Innovation.
Family Business and Succession Planning: The Concept of Family Business Contents; The Cultural Contexts of Family Business; Roles and Relationship in Family Business; Ownership Transfer and Succession in Family Business. Women Entrepreneurship: The Concept of Women Entrepreneurship; Role orientation and Women Entrepreneurial Aspirations; Contributions of Women to National Socio-Economic and Human Development; Barriers to Women Entrepreneurial Practice.

Social Entrepreneurship: The Concept of Social Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship and Value Creation; The Roles of Non-governmental Organizations in Social Entrepreneurship; Social Entrepreneurship and Funding Opportunities; Social Entrepreneurship Enhancement Factors. Business Opportunity Evaluation: Sources of Business Opportunities in Nigeria; The difference between Ideas and Opportunities; Scanning Business Opportunities in Nigeria; Environment and New Venture Idea Generation.

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